lost moleskin notebook

moleskin notebook sketchesI just lost my second Moleskin notebook in a week. Gutted. It’s one of our most valuable tools at O Street, and it’s amazing how much of our work is created on its girded pages. Above is a sketch (scribbled on the train to Edinburgh) of the toilet icons we devised for the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and below is how they ended up looking in the final signage system.

There is a £10 reward if anyone finds either of my books, David Freer and our address scribbled on the opening page!


O Street are hiring! Team photo in from of the Bank Street Design studio in Glasgow.

Are you ready to take a seat?

We’re hiring! O Street are looking for two talented and ambitious graphic designers to join our Glasgow studio, who can help bring our ideas to life. Designer – Minimum 5 years experience You will already have expert knowledge of all...
O Street Partner, Keli Mitchell portrait by Peter Dibden.

O Hello Keli!

Say hello 👋 to Keli Mitchell who joins the O Street studio as Partner, alongside founding partners, David and Neil. With 25+ years of creative industry experience, she knows a thing or two about what we do here at O...

We are an independent design studio, applying craft and hard work to drive your brand in the right direction.

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