CRUSH – A Love Letter From Us, To Brew

We talk about beer a lot. It’s maybe getting a bit weird. How do we know beer feels the same way about us? Don’t worry, we have a plan. We plan to tackle that question the only way teenage girls in problematic 80s movies know-how—a love letter.

We’ve made CRUSH, a beer-zine. It’s honestly written, beautifully printed and lovingly illustrated by our team at O Street. We are pretty confident it’s just the ticket to woo our sweetheart.

O Street Side Project - Crush Beer-zine Issue 1 front coverCrush beer-zine issue 1. Open page layouts showing Valentines illustrations. Crush Zine bunny illustration

What better way to show your appreciation, than drawing unsolicited portraits of them whilst critiquing how they look and taste? This metaphor is probably running out of steam, but you get it.

Issue 1 of Crush Beer featured beers - crushed can gif

The two birds that have been fed with the singular scone are:
– O Street wanted an excuse to design a publication.
– O Street wanted an excuse to show beer how much of a catch we are.

We picked 6 beers that we dig, from both sides of the pond, and thoughtfully commented on the packaging (our area of expertise) and the flavour (our area of enthusiastic but amateur interest). Add a fun fact & illustration for each, and the job’s a good’un.

Crush Beer-zine God Adam illustration. pink background with red Crush issue 1 Beer-Zine by O Street Glasgow - Pink and red illustrations

If you want an issue, or want us to feature one of your beers in the next issue (we will accept bribes), shoot us an email at

Glasgow Film Festival 2025 animation

Glasgow Film Festival — 2025 Film Picks

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#4 Colour Countdown — Yellow, Black & White

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Colour in Music — White

#5 Colour Countdown — White (with a bit of black)

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