Extra-ordinary Everyday Design in Japan

What we think of as ‘ordinary’ in graphic design (the road signs, the brand logos etc.) often become ‘extra-ordinary’ when viewed by someone from a different part of the world.

During a recent trip to Japan, whilst most folks were taking photos of sunsets and locals wearing traditional kimonos, I spent my time photographing drain covers and empty drinks cans.

Sad, I know, but for all you design geeks out there, here is a selection of my favourites:

Every little thing is Japan is so visually rich, you can be forgiven missing the forest for the trees. Maybe next time I’ll notice the temples and landscapes.
– David

Colour in Music — White

#5 Colour Countdown — White (with a bit of black)

The sparing use of black on a white background reminds me of a sketchbook page. But, to be honest, it mostly reminds me of The Beatles White Album, Neil Young’s Zuma, and Bob Dylan’s Planet Waves. In the spirit of...
Colour in Music — Black

#6 Colour Countdown — Black (with a bit of white)

When working with blank paper or a blank screen, the absence of colour usually means black and white. However, using black and white in a final design is almost as bold a colour statement as you can make. When I...
Colour in Music — Blue

#7 Colour Countdown — Blue

Like many people, my emotional reaction to colours has been shaped by the associations I have with music and, in particular, album covers. When I think of the colour blue, I think of the Joni Mitchell Album of the same...

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