Go Fish

O Street’s annual fishing trip has yet again been pulled off without any human casualties. Please enjoy this visual report from the weekend.

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The location was lovely Loch Fyne.

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Avengers assemble!

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Tessa leaves a bucket of bodies in her wake.

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We even made pals with a gaggle of water dogs.

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Ashore, the weather was lovely.

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There were curiosities to be found. As well as hangovers.

All-in-all it was a wonderful weekend of food, drink, games and good old-fashioned camaraderie. Until next year!

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Colour in Music - Purple

#8 Colour Countdown — Purple

So next up in our Colour Countdown is purple. A solid fixture in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. The first to jump to many people’s minds might be Prince’s Purple Rain. Strictly speaking, the cover is pretty multi-coloured....
Colour in Music - Green

#9 Colour Countdown – Green

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