O Street is in America.

O Street are moving to the USA. We’re chuffed (very pleased) to announce a third location for our shop: Denver, Colorado — a place we’ve been in love with for a while.

As of today, our resident American Josh is back home and representing O Street at WeWork LoHi.

O Street was founded on the belief that the big agency structure was bloated and inefficient. Rather than growing up, we’re growing out, building a network of lean studios working as one.

It’s a massive opportunity for our creative team and an opportunity for US brands to work with a European design agency without a transatlantic flight. People of Colorado, we’re looking forward to bringing a little colour (color) to your day.

Ta (thanks).

Colour in Music — White

#5 Colour Countdown — White (with a bit of black)

The sparing use of black on a white background reminds me of a sketchbook page. But, to be honest, it mostly reminds me of The Beatles White Album, Neil Young’s Zuma, and Bob Dylan’s Planet Waves. In the spirit of...
Colour in Music — Black

#6 Colour Countdown — Black (with a bit of white)

When working with blank paper or a blank screen, the absence of colour usually means black and white. However, using black and white in a final design is almost as bold a colour statement as you can make. When I...
Colour in Music — Blue

#7 Colour Countdown — Blue

Like many people, my emotional reaction to colours has been shaped by the associations I have with music and, in particular, album covers. When I think of the colour blue, I think of the Joni Mitchell Album of the same...

We are an independent design studio, applying craft and hard work to drive your brand in the right direction.

If you’re interested in working with us we’d love to hear your story.