As one of the biggest dye manufacturers on Earth, Rit Dye asked us to help tell the story of their planet–friendly product in an animated video campaign.

We all know it’s better for the environment to reuse than buy new, but Rit Dye decided to back that hunch up with a study. What did they find? Dyeing four old shirts you love produces 74% less CO2 emissions than buying four new shirts.

With such good data on hand, Rit wanted to share it as soon as possible—especially with Earth Day on our minds! So, they came to us with a ridiculously tight deadline. Did we scoff? Naw, we rolled up our sleeves, grabbed our favourite chunky pencils and jazz flute.

We quickly worked out a way to tell the story using charming characters. So, one storyboard, hand-drawn alphabet and jazzy tune later, we had a winning campaign.
