Solid Gone

Tayma Rock

One of those little moments when you chance upon something astonishing and it stops you in your tracks. It wasn’t the rock, just a photograph of it.

Smith Journal ( is always a welcome arrival with its rich and eclectic mix of whatever takes them. So no surprise thats where this image was. Or that it brought on a hushed ‘wow’.

The rock lives in Tayma, a long settled oasis town in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Archaeologists believe the almost perfect vertical fracture to be a natural phenomenon but are not altogether certain how it came about.

The opinion in the studio here is split too. The quasi-magical majesty of Nature versus some sort of James Cameron-esque-alien-death-ray-from-space. Either way, rock on!

Glasgow Film Festival 2025 animation

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#4 Colour Countdown — Yellow, Black & White

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