Luxembourg For Finance, LEO Covers

A modern take on finance

We have been helping Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) bring some approachable swagger to their publication LEO.

LEO Magazine Cover Designs by O Street

LFF is a public-private partnership set up to help develop Luxembourg’s financial services industry. LEO magazine is one of its key communications channels. A source of news, stories and opinion pieces, it has a loyal following and is available via printed and online editions.

LEO Magazine Cover Designs by O StreetLEO Magazine Cover Designs by O Street

O Street were tasked to help LFF present LEO as a modern and engaging publication in a sector that is often perceived as old fashioned. Step one was designing bright and approachable covers (we’re no strangers to bright illustration).

Magazine Spread Designs by O StreetMagazine Spread and Infographic Designs by O StreetMagazine Spread Designs by O Street

As well as covers, we also help design key spreads in the magazine.

Magazine Illustration by O StreetMagazine Illustration by O Street

Using creative infographics and icons in an engaging manner, we developed an illustrative approach to communicate complex subject matters. Don’t get O Street director David started on his infographics for dim sum bonds—they’re his pride and joy.

LEO Magazine Cover Animations by O Street

Online variations are used to help widen the reach of the magazine. We help create a range of optimised variations of each cover. From online banner versions used on the LFF website site, through to animated versions of the front cover that are shared on social media channels.

Keep an eye out for further editions of LEO to stay up-to-date on the financial sector, and have a peep at our Move to Lux campaign for LFF.

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